Friday, June 26, 2009


Well as you can see from the date of my first post(specifically look where i said dedication lol), procrastination is a fat B!TCH. I know what I said and I know what I did was 2 different things. I kept coming up with Excuses with myself but now I had to post.

Well as everyone should know around the world that Michael Jackson has passed away. I looked up to this man all my life and only he gave me interest in music. From doing all the dance moves in my lil X-men underwear (DONT FRONT, you know you had them too!), to having his lyrics memorized before my ABCs. WEEEELLLL.....To pay my respects, since i live in NY, I drove to the Apollo with a cousin & a friend in hail(...YES I SAID HAIL), rain, and traffic. Why while i walk to the Apollo from the parking space, I am bumbarded by numerous street vendors selling TSHIRTS!!!! HOW DARE YOU tarnish this mans name and exploit his death to make a profit! You should be ashamed of your selves, selling these cheap Iron on pictured tshirts to make a buck. YES i understand you gotta feed yo kids, SO SELL SOCKS LIKE DA REST DEM NIGGZ!!! (Excuse my vulgar improper english) BUT DAMN, YOU WERE JUST SELLIN WATER YESTERDAY AND NOW THIS MANS DEAD AND YOU SEE DOLLAR SIGNS????? SMFH!!! WE GOTTA DO BETTER AS MINORITIES, HAVING US LOOKIN LIKE SAVAGES!

I want to end this nicely because I can feel my blood pressure rising and im only in my 20s so, Rest In Piece Michael, Music nor Myself will ever be the same, Forever an Icon, Never Can Say Goodbye (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)